Summer term

English: our class novel is When the Mountains Roared by Jess Butterworth, we will use this text to write instructions, playscripts, recounts and newspaper reports. The children will also be practising any high frequency words that they do not know how to read or spell.
Maths: we will be learning about decimals, money, time, statistics, shapes, position and direction. We will continue to practise the times tables to to 12 x 12.
Science: we are learning about 'Living Things and their habitats' this term.
Art and Design and Technology: we will be looking at artists Hokusai and Rousseau and recreating some of their work using a range of techniques including printing. In food technology we will be learning about how to design and healthy menu as well as designing and making our own biscuits.
P.E: this term we will be learning how to play tennis and taking part in athletics.
PSHE: we will be looking at the topics of "money matters" and changes"
Music: we will be listening to classical music by Handel and learning about pitch and rhythm. Later on we will be looking at pop music including music by The Beatles.
Computing: we will be using using PowerPoint to make presentations, develop our word processing skills, save work and add images.