How will my child be taught?
We use a combination of the following approaches to teach pupils remotely:
Work will be uploaded to Dojo or Tapestry. A range of teaching approaches will be used and will be selected by the teacher to best fit the learning intention.
Examples include:
- PowerPoints
- Live Teaching (via Teams)
- Recorded teaching by the class teacher
- Recorded resource E.gWhite Rose Maths, Oak Academy
- You Tube links and video clips
- Commercially available websites
- TV programs
- Internet research
- Worksheets
Children will upload their work into their portfolio on Class Dojo or Tapestry. Work can be sent to us as photos, video clips, word processed work or recordings.
When the whole school class bubble is working from home children will be invited to a Teams meeting with their teacher every day. This is an opportunity for them to access live teaching, meet with friends to support their emotional wellbeing, share completed work and receive instruction on the days new learning. It is vital that children try to attend these meetings