Before and After School Provision
Booking Details
We are now in a position to offer parents a school organised Breakfast club for children in Reception to Year 6 from Tuesday 7th January 2025:
- Breakfast Club will be operated by school temporally and we will be responsible for the bookings, registers and safeguarding. Breakfast Club will run from 7:30am until the start of school and will be booked through the Microsoft form below:
- A weekly payment invoice will be emailed to you after your child has attended the session/s.
- This particular form will need to be completed by 3pm prior to your child's day of attendance. Any bookings after this time may not be confirmed.
- Please assume your child has been accepted into Breakfast Club unless you hear otherwise.
Progressive Sports will be running our after-school sessions for children in Reception to Year 6, for two hours each day from Tuesday 7th January 2025 and can be booked using the link below:
This will only be able to run until 5:20pm, as the club cannot run longer than two hours per day until the Ofsted registration is complete.
Unfortunately, our Nursery children are currently unable to attend either of these sessions for the time being.
A separate Ofsted registration for wrap around care for our Nursery children has been submitted. This process could take around 6 weeks but we are hoping that this will be sooner. When the Ofsted registrations are complete, Progressive Sports will take over both sessions and provide all our wrap around care for all of our pupils.