Our intention at Findern is to offer an ambitious geography curriculum where all children can experience adventures around the local area and the wider world. Children will gain a broad knowledge of the wider world and a more in-depth knowledge if the local area around our school. Furthermore, our children will work together to develop an understanding of how fieldwork deepens our geographical understanding. We intend for children to learn specific aspects within their topics in sufficient detail that they can really imagine what life is like for people living in various settlements and communities around the world.
At Findern, we have designed our Geography curriculum with the intent that our children will:
- Gain skills as geographers – read and interpret maps, aerial photos, atlases – and use these skills in the real world.
- Learn that field work is key and form firm links to Forest School sessions.
- Embed links with our local community – understanding the community, the physical and human features of the local area and how these impact on the people who live here
The curriculum is led and overseen by the geography lead. As geography lead, a regular programme of monitoring, evaluation and review and the celebration of good practice will contribute to the ongoing commitment to evolve and improve further. With the support of the geography lead, class teachers will plan effectively to ensure that the key knowledge identified for each topic is taught in depth and embedded whilst also encouraging further enquiry and expansion of knowledge.
The teaching, learning and sequencing of the Geography curriculum follows:
- A blocked curriculum approach that has been implemented to ensure coverage and progression in all skills relating to Geography.
- In EYFS, the Geographical skills will focus on local and global geography using stories and non-fiction books to find out more about the world around us.
- In KS1 and KS2, the Geography curriculum is set to allow a clear buildup of skills and alternates between local and global geography.
- Local geography is taught alongside Forest school sessions and allows children to reference the skills learnt from previous years and build on this prior learning.
The progression of skills is set out in order to build and develop the following:
- All children have equal access to broad and balanced curriculum
- Strong enrichment opportunities and wider curriculum links and activities
- Use of the outdoor space, forest school where possible and practical
- Develop cultural capital by teaching children skills and knowledge to succeed in life
- Rich learning experiences wherever possible
- Learn about a range of cultures and diversity, comparing and contrasting with our own.
- Develop knowledge and celebrate the uniqueness of our own Island nations, the diversity in land use and features
We will assess the impact of our Geography curriculum through formative and summative assessments. We are looking to find out if our children have built upon their learning from previous years and are able to make links between local and global geography making comparisons and links to our own region, and building an understanding of how the physical and human features, have shaped the world we live in. Children will make connections between what they have previously learnt and what they are currently learning.
- Children will acquire skills as geographers that they can put to real use
- They will have a deep understanding of the local area, how the human and physical features and land use have been used in the past and what could happen in the future
- Make global links, connections and comparisons
- Ask questions and use skills to find answers