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Findern Primary School & Nursery

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Starting In Nursery

Acorns Nursery at Findern Primary School

A very warm welcome to Findern Primary School Nursery. We offer nursery provision for 3 and 4 year olds.

We are proud of our Nursery at Findern, so please scroll down and click on the links to enjoy finding out more about what we do and for the key information you need.


This page has all the information parents and families may need to help them find out about our nursery, which we hope is especially useful if you are considering enrolling your child with us.


We have a dedicated Acorns Class page and Mrs Dobson and her team, post pictures and up to date information about what is happening in the nursery right now.

The class page is intended to be for families that already have children enrolled with us and

want to find out about what we do every day.


Below are some details that help parents decide which nursery is best for them. Our nursery offers - 

  • A dedicated team of teaching assistants who work with the children under the supervision and guidance of Mrs Dobson, experienced Early Years Lead teacher. 
  • Wonderful weekly woodland sessions to help prepare your child for all the fantastic fun of Forest School when they begin full-time schooling in Ash Class.
  • A carefully designed space with modern indoor and outdoor areas. 
  • A focus on preparing children for school and working through the Early Years curriculum in line with our reception teachers.

Visiting Us

We encourage all prospective parents to come and see what we have to offer. To book a visit please contact the school office on 01283 702150 or email to




Please see the government website ‘Childcare Choices’ for information on funding for childcare and the tax-free childcare scheme, which you can use to pay for the nursery sessions.


