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Findern Primary School & Nursery

Imagine, Adventure, Together

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We aim for all of our children to stay fit and active.


We try to make our after-school clubs as much fun as possible by offering a variety of activities for all of our children in school.  


We initially surveyed our children to see which sports they would like us to provide and we now have a broad range that includes Nerf wars, zorbing, dancing, gymnastics, glow-in-the-dark dodge ball as well as more traditional sports such as football and netball. We have also increased our provision of girl only clubs in 2023 - 2024, and these have been very popular and well received. Some of our clubs are run by the staff at Findern and some are run by our sports partners using the Sports Premium money.


Many of our children take part in after school clubs every year and we hope this will inspire them to seek new sporting adventures that will last them a lifetime.


Click on the link below to see which clubs are being offered this term.
