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Our Spring 1 Topic is
Frozen Planet (2023-2024)
- English: Our class story will be Lost and Found and we will be practicing our 'letter writing' skills. We will also be looking at "One Snowy Night" by Nick Butterworth and creating our own stories.
- Maths: We will be exploring tens and ones and learning to add and subtract within 20.
- PSHE: This half term we will be learning about Exploring Emotions.
- Geography: In Geography we will be learning about the Earth's hemispheres and locating cold places in the world.
- Science: This half term we will be learning all about the seasons with a focus on Winter. We will compare weather patterns in the UK and Antarctica.
- RE: In RE we will be learning all about how and why Christians and Muslims celebrate special and sacred times.
P.E: In our invasion unit, children will develop basic skills such as sending, receiving and dribbling a ball. They develop their understanding of attacking and defending and what being 'in possession' means through playing uneven and even sided games.