Welcome to the page for the Findern Primary School Governing Body.
Our Board Diversity
Our governing body is a reflection of both our school families and our wider community. It is represented by governors of a wide range of ages, gender, race ,religion and physical ability. As such, we are confident we reflect our families and our community. We also consider diversity to mean the diverse skills and knowledge that our board possess as well as diversity of their protected characteristics. We are fortunate to have a board which consists of a variety of knowledge, skills and experiences including backgrounds in education, business and finance, HR, police, early years pre-school and health care. Together they make sound, knowledge based decisions for the efficient running of the school and children’s education.
Name of Governor | Category | Area of Responsibility | End of term of Office | Business Interests |
James Goodman | Headteacher | N/A | None | |
Ruth Charlton | Staff Governor |
| 24.06.2024 | None |
Nicky Cooke | LA Governor | Deputy chair of Governors GDPR and Data Protection Music History | 28.09.2025 | None |
Carly Zolkiewicz | Parent Governor | Maths | 28.02.2027 | None |
Liz Froggatt | Co-opted Governor | Chair of Governors Disadvantaged Pupils, Looked After Pupils Special Educational Needs | 02.12.2024 | None |
Liz Chambers | Co-opted Governor | Health and Safety Modern Foreign Language RE | 28.09.2026 | None |
Rupinder Aujla | Parent Governor | English PSHE EYFS Geography | 23.06.2025 | None |
Adam Pratt | Co-opted Governor | PE and Sports Premium | 27.06.2027 | Member Findern Parish Council |
FGB Meetings - Dates
01/10/2024: Curriculum
18/03/2025: SFVS
29/04/2025: Annex 1+5 Finance