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Findern Primary School & Nursery

Imagine, Adventure, Together

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Our Autumn 1 Topic is:

Houses and Homes


We will be exploring houses and homes during Autumn term in English, History and Geography.


  • English: Our class stories will be Zog and The Three Little Pigs. We will continue to practise constructing sentences using the correct punctuation as well as using adjectives to construct descriptive and exciting sentences.
  • Maths:  We will be learning about place value within 10, moving on to addition and subtraction within 10.
  • PSHE: This half term we will be exploring emotions; how to recognise different emotions and how to deal with our feelings.
  • History:  In History will learn about monarchs past and present. We will explore castles and houses in royalty and draw comparisons between wealth and poverty. We will also learn about different types of houses through history and compare them to the modern day.
  • Science: This half term we will be learning all about the seasons with a focus on Autumn. We will also investigate different materials and their properties.
  • RE: In RE we will be learning all about Christianity. We will explore Christian beliefs as well as Christian symbols and celebrations.
  • P.E:  We will explore gymnastics on the floor and using low apparatus. We will also explore the fundamental skills of balancing, running, changing direction, jumping, hopping and skipping.
