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Relationship and Sex Education

Relationship & Sex Education at Findern Primary School


“Effective RSE does not encourage early sexual experimentation. It should teach young people to understand human sexuality and to respect themselves and others. It enables young people to mature, build their confidence and self-esteem and understand reasons for delaying sexual activity. Effective RSE also supports people throughout life to develop safe, fulfilling and healthy sexual relationships at the appropriate time.” DfE Statutory Guidance for Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)




Our Relationship Sex & Education (RSE) curriculum has been carefully designed by staff, in consultation with governors and parents so we can be sure our provision is age appropriate and relevant for our pupils. Our provision takes into account our children’s ages, their religious and cultural backgrounds and any special educational needs they might have and the views of parents in the 2020 survey, (This can be found under News and Events on the website). Some of the content is covered in the science curriculum and some falls under relationships in the PSHE curriculum. Both of these are statutory. However, we have included some areas that are non-statutory to reflect the local issues and what parents told us. To support us in the delivery of PSHE curriculum we use ‘Derbyshire PSHE Matters’. Parents and carers have the right to withdraw their child from some lessons on sex education but cannot withdraw children from relationships education or any content that is covered in the science curriculum.

The link below takes you to our policy page where you will find our latest RSE Policy.

Click the link below for details of the RSE consultation in Spring 2022. It also has some useful links for parents about relationship and sex education in primary school.
