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Findern Primary School & Nursery

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Religious Education

Our Intent

Our aim through RE is to prepare our pupils to respond well to local, national and the global landscape of religion and belief diversity. We have carefully planned our syllabus to reflect the views of parents so that our children show tolerance of others and have a healthy respect for other religions, cultures and communities.   Through core knowledge and understanding of world religions we prepare them for life in a diverse world. We teach our children to reflect, question and disagree respectfully and be reasonable in their response. The time spent on each religion reflects the different religions represented in our school so all religions are celebrated and valued. All state schools must teach RE to pupils at every key stage.


We follow the Derbyshire agreed syllabus for RE. RE is taught as discreet sessions each week across the school and includes a variety of activities. We make time to celebrate all the major festivals; particularly those from different religions represented in our community. We try to use the richness of the local community by inviting visitors into school and plan visits to different places of worship and multi faith centres.


We will assess the impact of our RE curriculum through formative and summative assessments. We are looking to find out whether children have built upon their learning from previous years and if they have developed their appreciation and understanding of religions and cultures. For our formative assessment we will ask children to feedback in lessons, peer review and we will share learning outcomes and expectations. Our summative assessments to measure the impact will include sharing book work, displays and lesson overviews or observations. We will also use questioning with the children to gain an understanding of what they have learnt and how past learning enabled them to tackle each topic.

Last monitored by Curriculum Governor and RE Leader during Summer Term Two, 2024
