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Findern Primary School & Nursery

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History Curriculum


Our intention at Findern is that our young historians gain an understanding of two things during their adventures back in time; a broad knowledge of the chronology of history and where different periods/civilisations are placed along this; and more in-depth knowledge of the specific time periods that are studied at our school. Furthermore, our children will work together to develop an understanding of how we know so much about people who lived so long ago and also gain an appreciation that interpretations may differ. We intend for children to learn specific aspects within their topics in sufficient detail that they can really imagine what life must have been like for those living during the time period being studied.


At Findern Primary School, we have designed our History curriculum with the intent that our children will: 

  • Become increasingly critical and analytical thinkers.
  • Possess a secure understanding of the chronology of Britain and other periods of History 
  • Discover links and connections to the History they learn.
  • Further their knowledge and explanations of change and continuity over time with regards to the history of the Britain and other societies.
  • Differentiate between source types and explain how interpretations in History may differ.  
  • Draw on similarities and differences within given time frames and across previously taught History.
  • Enquire in to Historical themed questions and form their own opinions and interpretation of the past. 



The curriculum is led and overseen by the history lead. As history lead, a regular programme of monitoring, evaluation and review and the celebration of good practice will contribute to the ongoing commitment to evolve and improve further. With the support of the history lead, class teachers will plan effectively to ensure that the key knowledge identified for each topic is taught in depth and embedded whilst also encouraging further enquiry and expansion of knowledge. 


The teaching, learning and sequencing of the History curriculum follows: 

  • A blocked curriculum approach that has been implemented to ensure coverage and progression in all skills relating to History.
  • In EYFS, the Historical skills will focus on changes over time and using stories and non-fiction books to find out more about festivals and celebrations.
  • In KS1, the Historical skills will focus on the world around them and their living memory of History before moving to events that go beyond living history. This will ensure a firm foundation for KS2 History. 
  • In KS2, the History curriculum is set to allow children to reference the previous events in time and to refer to this prior learning year-on-year and within the year.  


The progression of skills is set out in order to build and develop the following: 

  • Chronological Understanding.
  • Historical concepts
  • Interpretations of History. 
  • Historical Enquiry.
  • Historical vocabulary



We will assess the impact of our History curriculum through formative and summative assessments. We are looking to find out if our children have built upon their learning from previous years and are able to make links between historical events and how these have shaped the world we live in. Children will make connections between what they have previously learnt and what they are currently learning. The children will become increasingly critical and analytical within their thinking, making informed and balance judgements based on their knowledge of the past. They will develop enquiry skills to pursue their own interests within a topic and further questioning. All these skills will be transferable between other areas of the curriculum. The learning environment across the school will be more consistent with historical vocabulary displayed, spoken and used by learners.
