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Spring - Explore Geography

This term our topic is...


Global geography with a focus on the Amazon and Danube rivers.


This year we will be learning about global geography. This will involve plenty of map work, identifying continents, countries, capital cities, oceans, rivers, biomes, climate zones and so much more. We will then focus in on both South America and Europe, as we focus in on the Amazon river and the river Danube. This will link in with English, Maths, Science, RE, Computing and Spanish throughout the term.


  • English: In the first half-term we will be writing a balanced argument and news report. After half term, we will then turn our attention to writing a non-chronological report and writing to persuade. 
  • Maths: We will predominantly be following White Rose Maths to learn about division, multiplication, fractions, decimals, percentages, area, perimeter and statistics.
  • Science:  We will be learning about animals including humans (focusing on human development) followed by living things and their habitats (focusing on life cycles and reproduction in plants and animals).
  • Geography: Global geography with a focus on the Amazon and Danube rivers.
  • PSHE: This term will be exploring emotions and relationships. 
  • R.E:  We will be doing work around the key question "What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain?" before visiting the local Mosque.
  • Computing:  We will be learning about flat-file databases before doing some work on vector drawings after half term.
  • P.E:  This term we will be learning about gymnastics. We will also be swimming each Wednesday.
  • Spanish: We will continue learning about our likes and dislikes. This half term we will focus this around school subjects and food.
  • Music: We will be listening, singing and playing instruments this term, based on the song 'Make you feel my love' by Adele.