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Findern Primary School & Nursery

Imagine, Adventure, Together

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School Opening Times

Drop off and Pick up



Children arrive at school and go straight into their classrooms through their designated entrance. The school gates open at 8:40 am and close at 8:55 am.  Formal learning does not take place until 8:55 am so children arriving at the later times are not disadvantaged. The register closes at 9:00 am when the children will be marked as late.

The children are encouraged to wash their hands regularly and use the sanitiser as they come into school.


End of day

The gates open at 3:10 for nursery, reception, year 1 and year 2 children.  Children in Key Stage 2, Y3,Y4,Y5 and Y6, are dismissed at 3:20 pm. Children in Key Stage 1 with siblings in KS2 leave at the later time of 3:20 pm. Parents are asked to queue at the pick up points so that teachers can dismiss the children quickly.  Staff are available on the yard to sign post collection points for each year group.

The aim is to have a steady flow at drop off and collection to ease the carpark and congestion on the road. Please let us know your thoughts if it’s not working.
