Vision statement for PE and Sport
Vision At Findern Primary School our vision for Physical Education and Sport is that every child should have the opportunity to take part in physical activity on a regular basis and become more physically confident and competent. We hope that, through all the sporting opportunities and physical activity we offer during their time here our children will potentially develop a lasting passion for sport that will continue into their adult lives.
Intent and Implementation
We aim to provide the children with quality, exciting and physically active PE lessons every week. To keep them healthy and active with at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day and by also educating them on a healthy, balanced diet and lifestyle. We recognise the benefits that physical activity has on self-esteem and emotional well-being, helping to develop self-confidence and experience teamwork that will be utilised across the curriculum.
To show children the high importance we place in this curriculum area, we aim to give as many children as possible the opportunity to compete against others in inter-house school competitions as well as in a variety of local and regional competitions against other schools.
Given its importance, we value entering events within school time as well as after school events. We aim to provide experiences that children will remember for their lifetime, where they are eager to do their best and pleased to win but are also gracious and polite in defeat.
It is also of importance that we aim to provide good peer role models by creating sporting leaders during the children's time at Findern Primary. We aim to offer our Upper Key Stage 2 children the opportunity to be trained to lead sporting activities, organise games and events and learn to lead by example.
By emphasising leadership, we hope the children learn the importance of communication, organisation, team work, resilience, perseverance and a respect for rules.
We encourage every child to lead a healthy lifestyle and participate in regular physical activity both inside and outside of school hours and will promote outside interests and achievements within our whole school Assembly time and by using notice boards effectively to inform and encourage the children. In doing so, we aim to promote local sport, an awareness of our pupils’ achievements and improve our young people’s lives for the better.
At Findern School we are committed to increase the enjoyment of children’s sport by providing high quality lesson resources and continued professional training for our teaching staff to achieve self-sustaining improvement in the quality of PE and Sport. Where possible, we also aim to supplement children’s experiences and inspire pupils by using specialist sports coaches to help deliver sessions to all year groups.
We intend to measure the quality of provision and the impact on pupils through lesson observation and scrutiny of planning. Teachers assess children against clear learning objectives and success criteria and children are encouraged to self and peer assess. Quality staff CPD will be provided with team teaching supported by specialists. Data will be scrutinised, including attendance at school clubs and sporting events as well as pupil self-assessment and parent voice
Click the link below to see our sports curriculum and enrichment activities at Findern school.