Design & Technology
Here at Findern, it is our intention to enable our children to become creative and innovative thinkers. And to become resilient learners when faced with problems.
We have created our Design and Technology curriculum to provide our children with the core skills needed to develop, create, design, make and evaluate products within the areas of food, mechanisms and structures. Our focus area for DT is STEM (Science, technology, engineering and maths) as this has been shown to be an important element for parents and reflects the nature of many large employers in the area.
We will build on and develop skills showing progression across the school as children move through the year groups. Many units are designed to reflect the topics being taught within the year groups and children are encouraged to make suggestions, evaluate and improve their designs during all parts of the process.
In Cooking and nutrition, children will develop their knowledge of food hygiene and healthy and balanced food choices, another key focus hi-lighted by parents in the 2020 survey. They will also learn to use equipment correctly and safely, read and follow a recipe, as well as develop own recipes. Over time they will gain experiences of cutting, sieving, stirring, mixing, kneading, rolling, heating and baking.
In D&T the focus is on measuring, cutting, strengthening, stiffening and movement. Children will learn to select tools and equipment appropriate to the task and age group. They will explore existing designs and learn to develop designs of their own. They will be given the opportunity to solve design problems and make changes to improve and evaluate their work. Where suitable opportunities arise, children will also experience using textiles and sewing.
As a school, we will also learn about inspiring inventors over time who have contributed to advancements in technology.
Where possible we invite visitors into school, or take part in relevant visits in order for children to have meaningful and exciting experiences and to learn from experts.
Through stimulating and engaging lessons, we endeavour to see an impact on the children’s creativity and curiosity. Children will have a greater knowledge of design and manufacturing techniques as well as an improved understanding of the importance of evaluation in order to make improvements to products.
In order to celebrate the achievements of the children, we will hold an exhibition during the summer term so that designs and products can be viewed by parents and carers. This validates the process of designing and making for the children.
By the end of Key Stage 2, children leaving Findern are confident, innovative, enterprising and resourceful young people, with the relevant skills to face an increasingly technological world.
Assessment in Design Technology is ongoing and formative with a variety of strategies used such as observation, discussion, marking and questioning. Pupils will be assessed against the learning outcomes. The learning outcomes in each unit show how children might demonstrate what they have learnt. Pupils are actively involved in evaluating their work and thinking about possible improvements. Evidence such as photographs for these assessments will be gathered informally throughout the year on elements of designing and making identified in individual teacher's planning. Information from assessment is used to inform the teacher’s short-term planning and to help the teacher identify ways forward for the pupils learning.
An essential part of our assessment is the involvement of the children, not only in developing their ability to evaluate designs and products of their own, but also in the value of their feedback on the units of work.