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Findern Primary School & Nursery

Imagine, Adventure, Together

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Starting in Reception

                Welcome to Reception


A very warm welcome to Findern Primary School and the start of your child's journey into Ash Class.

At Findern primary School, we pride ourselves on our nurturing, welcoming atmosphere where everyone is treated with warmth, kindness and respect. We believe that happy children learn best and offer teaching which supports each child achieving their potential in a happy, friendly, caring community. We strive to get to know each child as much as possible before they begin their school journey so that their transition to school is a supportive and smooth one. Our team of reception staff work with you to get to know your child and their individual needs, through home visits, stay and play sessions and visits to pre-school settings. Children enjoy a varied and stimulating curriculum and they have lots of scope to establish a broad range of friendships where everyone is encouraged and supported to reach their full potential. 

We are a Forest School and all of our children attend forest school every week. This is where our children learn lots of new skills as well as having great fun!

We have an abundance of information on our website to help new parents. Please click on the links below...
