British Values
Promoting Fundamental British Values
In accordance with The Department for Education we aim to actively promote British values in schools to ensure young people leave school prepared for life in modern Britain. Pupils are encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance and understand that while different people may hold different views about what is "right" and "wrong", all people living in England are subject to its law.
Findern Primary School British Values Statement
The Department for Education stresses the need to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of:
- Democracy
- Rule of Law
- Individual Liberty
- Mutual Respect
- Tolerance of those different faiths & beliefs
At Findern Primary School, we actively promote British Values within our broad curriculum and also through our assemblies. The school has strong links with the local churches and has a programme of visits or visitors from a range of faith communities. These links enable our pupils to develop an understanding of a range of communities and cultures beyond their own.
We teach children about the protected characteristics so that everyone is treated fairly and without discrimination.
The school has a school council which meets regularly. Children vote for two children to represent their class. The School Council ensures that the children's views are heard and actions implemented. All children feel their opinions are valued and are confident to share their views in class eg in debates or when writing balanced arguments (pupil voice).
The Board of Governors/Parent Voice
Our Governing Body is comprised of elected representatives from the staff, local authority, parents and co-opted governors (community); they usually meet each half term.
We actively invite parents and carers for their views throughout the year; this is done through individual letters, questionnaires, school and class newsletters and our open-door policy to meet class teachers or the Head Teacher at the end of the day. The Head Teacher is also highly visible on the main gate at the start and end of the school day.
The PSHE Scheme of work and curriculum topics tackle equal opportunities and discrimination through the curriculum.
Rule of Law
School Rules are reviewed with the children at the start of each academic year and children agree on class rules with their teacher. Lunchtime Supervisors have had specific training and promote Playground Rules for positive play times and they work closely with class teachers.
Visits from the local fire service and our Police Community Support Officer reinforce the need for laws and how they protect the community.
Individual Liberty
We aim to provide a supportive environment within which children and staff can make informed choices and voice their opinions. Our well-being mentor runs 'Positive Play' sessions weekly which enables chosen children on the programme to share their feelings in a supportive environment. At playtimes children are free to choose playground games and activities.
We teach children about their personal rights and freedoms and how to be safe, during assemblies, PSHE lessons and E-Safety sessions. Year 6 look at human rights and how parliament is run as part of their PSHE topics.
Mutual Respect
Children learn about specific British celebrations, events and commemorations through history topics and assemblies. For example our children acknowledge Remembrance Day with a 2 minute silence.
The school participates in many aspects of the local community. Our Harvest celebrations enable us to send many food and toiletry donations to the Padley Centre and our choir sings at the annual Festive Findern event in the village.
Tolerance of those of different Faiths & Beliefs
Our RE curriculum, assemblies and PSHE lessons reinforce messages of tolerance and respect for others. Key celebrations in different faiths are learned about, for example, Christmas, Easter, Eid Al Adha, Diwali and Chinese New Year.