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Findern Primary School & Nursery

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Late/Absence Procedure


Changes to the law make it essential for schools to know the reason for every absence because we have to distinguish between absences which are allowed (authorised) and those which are not (unauthorised). A published record of the school’s attendance is required by law.


When absence occurs please telephone school before 8:30am so the class teacher can be informed.

Please select option 1 on the telephone menu and leave any messages regarding the absence of your child.

Where a child is absent and no information has been provided to school, a follow up call will be made to ensure the safety of the child concerned.


If your child arrives after 8:55 you should sign them in at the school office.


There are some nasty bugs around so please consider the possibility of infecting others when deciding whether to send your child to school. Children should remain off school for 48 hours from the last time they are sick or have diarrhea


 If you need to take your child for a medical appointment during school time we need evidence of the appointment for school records such as appointment card, hospital letter or screen shot of doctor’s text.  

If your child will be absent from school you should complete an Absence Request Form. Please click here or collect from the school office
