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Findern Primary School & Nursery

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Swimming @ Findern


Learning to swim is a key life-saving skill that is a vital part of growing up and our National Curriculum. As part of the PE and Sport we offer at Findern, our children also go swimming throughout the whole of Year 5. Their swimming lessons are hosted weekly at Etwall Leisure Centre and are taught by Derbyshire County Council swimming teachers and Findern staff.


Each year we aim to help our children become water confident, understand water safety and swim with confidence and consistency. We assess the children's progress throughout the year using the Derbyshire County Council assessment criteria and award scheme. We also aim for all of our children to be water confident and swimming the national curriculum expected standard of 25 metres by the end of Year 6. 


For any more information regarding swimming at Findern, do not hesitate to ask the Year 5 teaching staff.


2022-2023 -


84% of our year 6 children could swim continuously for 25m.

87% of our children could use a range of strokes effectively for 15m.

100% of our children performed safe self-rescue in different water-based situations. 
