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Findern Primary School & Nursery

Imagine, Adventure, Together

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School Values

Imagine, Adventure, Together


Our Findern community works together to create a positive environment in which all children can be themselves, be independent and be amazing!



Imagine a school where children have the freedom and confidence to express themselves through their creativity and imagination.

Imagine a school where it’s ok to make mistakes, and use them to grow, develop and explore.

Imagine a school where anything is possible, in and beyond the classroom.



Childhood is an adventure to enjoy; from a tiny curious acorn to a great mature oak tree, our team will plant the seed and help it to grow!

Our children will leave with memories and an enjoyment for learning.

  • Forest school adventures allows children to ignite their curiosity, take risks and build resilience
  • Our enrichment days, trips and residentials enable children to overcome new challenges and explore the world around them
  • Findern School’s curriculum is adventurous and designed to promote creativity and celebrate the holistic child.



Imagine a school where we join together to build strong relationships within school and the wider community.

Imagine a school where everyone values and celebrates each unique individual.

By working together we;

  • ignite the strength, courage and belief in ourselves to achieve
  • give confidence and skills to prepare for fulfilling lives as effective contributing citizens
  • trust, understand and respect each other
  • develop supportive, positive relationships
  • create a happy welcoming environment for all to achieve


 … our adventure together starts here



